About BIE & Myself

My name is Danielle and I’m from Lakefield and the Young’s Point area of Ontario. I’m married with 2 kids. I’m in love with everything about natural health, nutrition and fitness! My goal is to help you reach your health goals. Whether it’s balancing the energy in your body (Homeostasis),  revamping your nutritional intake or in need of some fitness advice, I am so happy to help you!

Our first visit together will consist of an initial consultation to talk about how I will help you, followed by a BIE session. Depending on the disease, illness, or intolerance we may need to set up following visits.

​BIE will assist your body into balance known as homeostasis and healing will follow. Your body knows exactly what it’s supposed to do. It just needs the right tools in order to accomplish this. I will provide your body with those tools through the BIE modality, along with nutritional advice to bring on full body wellness. BIE has helped people who suffer from allergies, digestive issues, skin issues, migraines and many more. Once back in a state of homeostasis, the body can naturally alleviate itself from all symptoms, and will therefore ease any suffering.

BIE Philosophy

Vital life force energy (Bio-energy) fills every cell within the human body. Energy controls every metabolic process, including biochemical changes that occur within the cells. It controls the utilization of nutritional substances, the functioning of all body systems including the immune system. All cells are capable of receiving a countless number of frequencies that are stored within the cytoplasm of each cell, which in turn, consists of H2O. Hydrogen and Oxygen hold the electromagnetic charges, then, the cellular memory is processed within the DNA of each cell.

​We find that during periods of stress, be it physical or mental stress, this increases the cell’s state of vulnerability to different frequencies. For example, electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the Integral membrane proteins in the cell membrane and store in the cytoplasm, altering the cell’s homeostasis. Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness. By altering discordant frequencies within cells, the body is more capable of adapting to the homeostatic state of the altered cells.

Let’s take for example, an individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple. In a normal situation, after the apple has been digested and then assimilated, the energy of the apple would be perceived as “apple”, and further utilized by the body. However, during the stressful state, the discordant mobile phone frequency can alter the integral membrane proteins, therefore altering the cell’s perception of the apple’s frequency. This would ultimately result in a rejection of the apple itself – consequently, homeostatic imbalance is born.

​Every disease state and pathogen has its associated harmonic and disharmonic frequencies. Generally speaking, harmonic frequencies maintain health; promote growth and healing, while disharmonic frequencies produce illness and death.

What I can do for you

Once I determine what stressors are causing your health issues such as foods, chemicals, dusts, pollens, molds, hormones etc. through muscle testing, we then use the BIE modality to reintroduce the energetic signature, or frequency of the stressor back into your body in order for your body to recognize it. Once your body recognizes the stressor, your body will heal itself, and you will no longer feel any further symptoms.